
Devotionals: We Are Blessed!

Romans 4:6-8:
“just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works: ‘BLESSED are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven and whose sins have been covered. BLESSED is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account.'”

You hear the word “blessed” used often in today’s culture. All too often it is the tendency of our culture to equate the word blessed with material wealth and prosperity and good health. However, if we take the Apostle Paul’s words in Romans 4 at face value we see that being “blessed” is something far more than having a nice house, high net worth, a good job or good health. 

Rather, being “blessed” is a condition where we as believers have been forgiven of our sins and are people who are deeply secure, content and happy in God. Being blessed comes from the truth of the Gospel that as believers our lawless deeds have been forgiven, our sins have been covered and will not be taken into account. We have been made right with God and now the righteousness of God has been imputed to us – our sin is now on Christ and His righteousness is now on us, making us secure in our standing with God, content in all that He provides for us and happy because Jesus is Lord of our life! 

As pastor John Piper puts it: 

So as we go throughout our day in the marketplace, let us not forget how blessed we are because of what God has done. Pray that as believers we would be men who are deeply secure, content and happy in Christ. That for us as believers, being “blessed”, doesn’t rely on our circumstances or if we closed a big deal, but rather it depends on the grace we receive through the Gospel. 
Let us pray daily that we are men who are known for having a contagious joy and happiness no matter what the daily circumstances may be, and that our happiness in Christ would be evident to those around us.